The Baltimore Tunnel

The Baltimore Harbor Tunnel, a $189 million-dollar renovation was completed to restore the Baltimore Tunnel. As part of the overall project led by Tutor Perini (NYSE:TPC), U.S. Pipelining restored more than 14,000 linear feet of 6’ diameter pressurized pipe making up the tunnel’s fire suppression system. The project began in the second quarter of 2018 with substantial completion anticipated by June 2021.

The 1.4-mile, four-lane tunnel opened in November 1957. Designated I-895, the facility crosses under the Patapsco River and connects major north/south highways and many arterial routes in Baltimore City’s industrial sections. Including the tunnel and approach roadways, the facility is approximately 18.5 miles in length.

Considered an “engineering marvel” when dedicated in 1957, the tunnel was the 5th longest underwater vehicular tunnel in the world.