Vent Stacks

Vent stacks, also known as plumbing vents or stink pipes, help regulate the air pressure in a plumbing system. In commercial buildings, including condominiums and high-rises, they’re an important part of the sewer system, designed to vent all the gases that accumulate within the system out through the roof.

While all plumbing waste fixtures use venting to prevent sewer gas leaks, high-rise plumbing systems are more complex than standard household plumbing. They also tend to suffer more wear and tear. US Pipelining can help commercial building owners with any vent stack problems or issues that might arise. We offer a range of vertical pipe lining solutions, including vent stack lining in Florida high rises.

The Crucial Role Vent Stacks Play

In multi-story buildings such as condominiums and high-rises, the sanitary drainage system consists of three main components: horizontal underground lines, branch lines, and vertical stacks. There are various types of vertical stacks, one of which is the vent stack. The vent stack is the portion of a vertical stack that rises above the highest fixture tie-in.

Unlike soil and waste stacks, vent stacks do not carry liquids. Instead, they provide airflow through the drainage system. When water flows through branch lines and other stacks, vent stacks prevent them from being forced by back pressure, a process also referred to as “trap suckout.” In simpler terms, vent stacks use gravity to allow the free flow of water and sewage down drains.

Anatomy of Vent Stacks

A commercial building’s venting system typically consists of a number of pipes leading to the outdoors, usually through the roof. They’re designed to release sewer gases outside instead of inside the building. Vent stacks play another important role in that they introduce oxygen into the waste system. This allows for aerobic sewage digestion and deters noxious oxygen-deprived anaerobic decomposition which can produce harmful gases like methane into the environment.

Obviously, without an effective, operational venting system your building cannot have a capable and operational sewer plumbing system.

Vent Stack Lining in Florida High Rises

When vent stacks don’t work properly, ongoing stoppages and slow-flowing drains can lead to sediment and corrosion forming inside the pipes. Plus, poor venting can cause serious damage to a structure and have a negative health impact on the people who work and live there.

US Pipelining specializes in non-invasive rehabilitation and restoration of all forms of vent stacks. We use structural cured-in-place-pipe technology (CIPP) to restore vent line from the rooftop down. Our work is completed without the need to inconvenience property dwellers or tenants and restoration can generally be completed in a day.

Contact Us to Learn More

To learn more about all our non-invasive pipe lining restoration solutions, including vent stack lining in Florida high rises, contact US Pipelining today.

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